To create a new fixture just select 'fixtures' and then 'NEW'

enter a name for the fixture, manufacturer and the amount of channels it needs

In this software version you can use 2 screens of faders and 2 fixed DMX channels. The fixed channels are used to select the mode channels for a fixture that uses ultimate mode. 

You can just ad sliders and give every slider a color , name and function.

Also you have to select 8bit or 16bit for every channel. In case of 16bit the slider uses 2 consecutive DMX channels.

Standard the slider will go from 0-100%, you can change this by adding a lookup table. Just click on 'look up' and select the one you want to use and click 'link'. To safe memory it often helps to use the same lookup that you are already using for other profiles. 

If 'soft dim' is selected on the first fader then this will be a submaster for the profile so the adress set to this fader won't matter and this will control all other faders in this profile where 'soft dim' is selected.

'Flash on' will activate the flash button.

Just save and the fixture will be ready to use.

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